Yesterday A hummingbird moth today the dragonfly appeared And you, so long gone sat within my shadow Bringing tiny gifts on invisible wings gently resting forever between the summers.
Making visible, the invisible.
Yesterday A hummingbird moth today the dragonfly appeared And you, so long gone sat within my shadow Bringing tiny gifts on invisible wings gently resting forever between the summers.
What is hail she asked?
Ice cube rain, in summer, loud and unexpected, like the clouds are shouting
Pay attention!
something is happening
Here, now.
The sun moves across the garden teasing open a hidden bloom.
Let me fold into the warm and brilliant hue a prayer of curiosity.
In my garden I do not cry out to God I listen and in the silence a song rises between God and I while the earth does what it does so well performing miracles A rose opening in the rain.
I see A singular expression Within the infinite array of light a myriad of possibilities and you?